Update for April 2020

Sunday message to the Sleepy Hollow Latin Mass Community –     updated April 18, 2020   3PM
Dear Faithful,
We continue to take things a week at a time. Regrettably though, it appears that the general lock-down in our tri-state area has been extended to May 15.
It should be noted that the new federal guidelines for the reopening of the country’s social and economic life in three phases includes “places of worship” in the first phase, though implementation is left to the discretion of the states…https://www.whitehouse.gov/openingamerica/#phase-one 
At Immaculate Conception, Sleepy Hollow, we are scheduled to have first communions on Sunday, May 17. I am not ruling that out. But perhaps a more feasible alternative date might be the External Solemnity of Corpus Christi on Sunday, June 14. 
In any event, I encourage everyone to participate in formal initiatives to secure from civil authorities the recognition of constitutionally guaranteed religious rights and to petition church authorities for the restoration of the sacraments with due precautions.  
In the meantime, pray to the Holy Spirit for fortitude and patience in tribulation.
In the union of faith and the spirit of prayer, I remain yours in the Risen Lord, Fr. Munkelt  

Traditional Latin Mass information and links to on-line articles, news items  in the NY, CT, and NJ area are updated at:


Palm Sunday – April 5, 2020
Dear Faithful,
In keeping with current civil and ecclesial directives, very regrettably the Latin Mass will not be celebrated tomorrow, Palm Sunday, at Immaculate Conception in Sleepy Hollow, NY. Please continue to avail yourselves of the various live-streamed Latin Masses, while making an act of contrition and spiritual communion. Efforts will be made to make blessed palms available at a later date. Needless to say, one is not culpable for not partaking of sacraments that have been made inaccessible by higher authorities. 
Regarding financial contributions to the Latin Mass at IC and previously submitted Latin Mass intentions: one can hold contributions in abeyance until the Latin Mass at IC resumes and make retroactive contributions, if one’s financial situation permits; secondly, all Mass intentions previously recorded, but postponed, will be fulfilled according to a revised IC Mass calendar which will be made known to everyone.
Palm Sunday is Our Lord’s royal entry into Jerusalem as the true and final Priest, Prophet, and King. As He said in the Gospel of St. John, “Salvation comes from the Jews.” His entrance into the City of David proclaims and makes good His status as the Messiah, a status that will be fully confirmed and revealed through His death on the Cross and glorious Resurrection during the sacred Triduum and Easter.  
Catholic soldiers in war have often been deprived of the sacraments. This, of course, is not to credit the current policies of the authorities. But whether we like it or not, we are in a war of sorts, both temporal and spiritual, one that can easily demoralize us, which is precisely what the Enemy wants. Like a good soldier of Christ be brave and pray hard for the restoration of the sacraments, especially by way of the Holy Rosary in union with Our Lady, the dolorous Mother of God. And please consult your missals for various traditional Holy Week devotions, such as the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, even if you have to improvise because not able to get into a church.
And remember, we are taking everything a week at a time, hoping for an imminent return of normal church life and worship.
In the meantime, all the best in Christ Jesus, the Suffering and Triumphant Lord, and in the union of faith and prayer, Fr. Munkelt