Please continue prayers and patience as we try to keep the Sleepy Hollow Latin Mass information as current as possible
Sunday, March 29th – No Latin Mass at Sleepy Hollow
Dear attendees and friends of the Latin Mass in Sleepy Hollow,
I’m thinking of and praying for you all during this very difficult time of pestilence and sacramental deprivation. Remember the Jesus prayer and act of contrition, besides recourse to Our Lady and the saints for help in times of tribulation. Though Palm Sunday and Easter are not looking good in terms of the public celebration of Mass at Immaculate Conception in Sleepy Hollow, or elsewhere, we continue to take things a week at a time, hoping for the best, but resigned to Providence.
If you should have any special questions, concerns, or have news of anyone from our congregation who may be sick or in need of assistance, please contact me at
Also, please avail yourselves of the many live-streamed Latin Masses provided by the traditional clerical societies.
In the meantime, keep the faith, stay well, pray hard for the ill, the deceased, the Church, and the imminent demise of the virus.
This too shall pass. All the best in Our Lord & Lady, Fr. Munkelt
The internet can be your help to maintain a holy and fruitful time of prayer using Lenten suggestions available on several websites:
Search for video retreats, devotions (Rosary, Stations of the Cross, “virtual” Holy Hours, prayers for a Spiritual Communion, and recorded and live-stream Traditional Latin Masses.