Sunday, June 4th Most Holy Trinity Sunday 4PM Sung Mass
Sunday, June 11th External Solemnity of Corpus Christi 4PM Sung Mass
**ALSO, parking will not be permitted in Patriot Park on Sunday, June 11, due to a special event.
Sunday, June 18th External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart 4PM Low Mass
Sunday, June 25th Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 4PM Low Mass
Living and Deceased Friends and Benefactors of the Latin Mass at Sleepy Hollow
are remembered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each month
LOOKING AHEAD: The Feast of Corpus Christi is Thursday June 8. At IC this feast will be celebrated on Sunday June 11 as an external solemnity (no Mass on June 8). However, a Solemn High Traditional Latin Mass will be offered on June 8 at nearby Annunciation Church in Crestwood, NY, starting at 6 pm. I will be there in the role of deacon.