Confession before Holy Mass
Traditional Latin Masses, Events, and updates in the NY, NJ and CT area areat:
Saturday, January 1st Octave Day of the NativityFeast of the Circumcision
(One Mass 2PM Low Mass)
Sunday, January 2nd Most Holy Name of Jesus 2PM Low Mass 4PM Sung Mass
Thursday January 6th Epiphany of Our Lord
7PM Low Mass and Blessing of Epiphany Water
Sunday January 9th Holy Family
2PM Low Mass and 4PM Sung Mass
Followed by Convivium
Sunday, January 16th Second Sunday after Epiphany
2PM Low Mass 4PM Sung Mass
Sunday, January 23rd Third Sunday after Epiphany
2PM Low Mass and 4PM Sung Mass
Sunday, January 30th Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
2PM Low Mass and 4PM Sung Mass