June is the Month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Update for Sunday, June 28
Dear Faithful,
St. John Paul II Maronite Catholic Church at Immaculate Conception (IC) in Sleepy Hollow, NY, is now open and public liturgies are being celebrated again under certain health restrictions. Please check the website for details.
This Sunday at IC, June 28, there will be two Masses offered in the Traditional Roman Rite, one at 2 PM, a Low Mass, and another at 4 PM, also a Low Mass. It is the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost.
Health Advisory. As with any gathering, there is a health risk and the possibility of viral infection. Everyone is personally responsible for exercising good judgment concerning one’s physical condition and age. Those in any way ill, or possibly ill, should stay at home. Likewise, if in proximity to the sick or vulnerable. Distancing in church is to be observed.
Traditional Latin Masses, Events, and Articles in the NY, NJ, and CT area: www.sthughofcluny.org
June 14 – External Solemnity of Corpus Christi ON THE HOLY EUCHARIST
The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament which contains the body and blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine.
When we say “contains,” we mean the Sacrament which is the body and blood, etc. The Holy Eucharist is the same living body of Our Lord which He had upon earth; but it is in a new form, under the appearances of bread and wine.
Our Lord instituted the Holy Eucharist by taking bread, blessing, breaking, and giving to His Apostles, saying: “Take ye and eat. This is My body”; and then by taking the cup of wine, blessing and giving it, saying to them: “Drink ye all of this. This is My blood which shall be shed for the remission of sins. Do this for a commemoration of Me” Baltimore Catechism Lesson 22