Confession and Rosary at 2:30PM
Sunday, March 1st 3PM
Second Sunday in Lent
Low Mass
Followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament
And Convivium
Sunday, March 8th 3PM
*Move clocks ahead 1 hour
Third Sunday in Lent
Low Mass
Sunday, March 15th 3PM
*Traffic alert/Parking Alert
St. Patrick’s Day Parade starts at 1:30PM
Fourth Sunday in Lent-Laetare
Sung Mass
And Convivium
Sunday, March 22nd 3PM
Passion Sunday
Low Mass
Sunday, March 29th 3PM
Palm Sunday – Blessing of Palms, Procession, and Chanting of the Passion of Our Lord
Looking ahead…
April 5th Easter Sunday 3PM
Sung Mass
Living and Deceased
Friends and Benefactors are remembered each month at Holy Mass
Your extra donations for the many expenses of Una Voce Westchester
Latin Mass at Sleepy Hollow are greatly appreciated
*UVW Sacred Music Fund or
*UVW Special Fund – IC use, Mass items, stipend, etc.